Monday, 9 February 2015

Z3X-BOX Samsung Update v18.9. New phones added, QCN reader/writer changes

Samsung Tool 18.9 Update. Some new phones added.

New phones added:

- support S5570B (Flashing, Direct unlock/imei repair, read/write QCN)

- support GT-S7390g (flashing, Unlock, Imei repair, Network repair, READ/WRITE cert)
- support SM-J100H (flashing, Unlock, Imei repair, Network repair, READ/WRITE cert) BETA - first in the world

- support SM-G800H (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G530FZ (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - first in the world
- support SM-G5108 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G5108Q (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G5109 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G5306W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G5308W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)
- support SM-G5309W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

Addition function added for:

- I9060 (cert Read/Write)
- I9060L (cert Read/Write)
- I9063T (cert Read/Write)
- I9080E (cert Read/Write)
- I9082C (cert Read/Write)
- S7390 (cert Read/Write)
- S7390E (cert Read/Write)
- S7390G (cert Read/Write)
- S7390L (cert Read/Write)
- S7392 (cert Read/Write)
- S7392L (cert Read/Write)
- S7580 (cert Read/Write)
- S7580L (cert Read/Write)
- S7582 (cert Read/Write)
- S7582L (cert Read/Write)
- S7583T (cert Read/Write)

- SM-P601 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-P602 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-P901 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-T311 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-T312 (cert Read/Write)

QCN Reader/Writer - new supported MCU added.

Fixed: G530H/G530H cert writing for SIM2 (need double cert file!!!!)

Discuss here


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